
LUCKY VR - Gameplay and Props Developer

APRIL 2022 - NOVEMBER 2023

  • Created and implemented the FE of VR props and interactables the players could spawn and use at will.

  • Ensured the props were networked properly using the Photon Networking Plugin.

  • Used an SQL BE tool to manage lists of available props and their stats

  • Created in depth documentation and architecture documents regarding added and updated scripts and proposed new scripts.

  • Designed and developed new UI system for inviting players between rooms.

Golfuture - Unity 3D Developer

AUGUST 2021 - APRIL 2022

  • Iterated on a Unity app that tracked users' ball movement, speed, flight path, as well as similar stats for the club and displayed them to the user in a fun interactive manner.

  • Designed and implemented the unity side of the REST client interactions for saving and loading user player data to and from the web.

  • Lead implementation of Unity addressables to lower application size and only load pertinent data on a facility by facility basis.

NAIT - Research Developer

APRIL 2018 - DECEMBER 2020

  • Created prototypes for 20+ projects for clients in an agile development environment, and implemented design changes and feedback they offered.

  • Designed and implemented UX UI into various VR AR and MR projects.

  • Modeled, textured, rigged, and animated models for use in prototype projects in Autodesk Maya

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Game Dev Portfolio

Peruse a collection of cultivated previous projects in game development and design.


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